Guest Red knight Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 За мен Карагър е безпорно легенда на клуба,сърцето и душата на отбора,доказан боец,който никога не се предава,но......И това "но" е много болезнено и няма как да си замълча.Но той не е робот,а човек от плът и кръв.А хората колкото и да ни е неприятно остаряваме.Никой не иска да си признае,че е остарял,но когато това стане факт и почне осезаемо да си личи трябва да се предприеме нещо.Тук не става въпрос само за личноста на Джейми,а за тима като цяло.Аз го разбирам - играе му се,не иска да се предаде на тежеста на годините,но е видно,че има нужда от почивка.И тук е ролята на Далглиш.Според мен за доброто на отбора Джейми не трябва да е титуляр или поне не трябва да играе непрекъснато мач след мач. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Liverbird Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 Не му е първия сезон на Кара, който започва колебливо. В последните 2-3 все е така. И винаги по това време започват безмислените дискусии и вопли за поставянето му на пейката и до тъч линията, и винаги Джейми влиза в ритъм и завършва сезона стабилно. И тази година не вярвам да бъде по-различно. Откак навърши 30-31 някои хора започнаха да го пенсионират и така всяка година. Пък той все си е първия избор в стартовия състав. И тази година не вярвам да бъде по-различно. Вярно е, че идва времето да окачи бутоните на пирона, но този процес според мен ще започне от следващия сезон. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Red knight Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 Не му е първия сезон на Кара, който започва колебливо. В последните 2-3 все е така. И винаги по това време започват безмислените дискусии и вопли за поставянето му на пейката и до тъч линията, и винаги Джейми влиза в ритъм и завършва сезона стабилно. И тази година не вярвам да бъде по-различно. Откак навърши 30-31 някои хора започнаха да го пенсионират и така всяка година. Пък той все си е първия избор в стартовия състав. И тази година не вярвам да бъде по-различно. Вярно е, че идва времето да окачи бутоните на пирона, но този процес според мен ще започне от следващия сезон. Само да не стане докато влезе във форма Карагър да се сбогуваме с топ 4....Но това си е отговорност на Далглиш.Иначе и аз искам Джейми да играе вечно,ама......Как беше - никой не е по-голям от Ливърпул. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest SuperSizee Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 Is it time for Carragher to step down? Carragher without a doubt has been one of the most reliable and consistent players for Liverpool over the past decade. The veteran defender even now is brilliant with his abilities, however the major concern is that with his age the errors are increasing as well. The team did everything but score against Stoke and for worst they conceded which lead Liverpool to suffer first defeat of the season. The referee is to be blamed for certain wrong decisions but he was dead right to award the penalty. Many may disagree and argue, but the fact is that Carragher has to be blamed for that. Although Carra performed the defensive duties well in all 4 league games but it only takes one error to ruin the entire stats and change the outcome of a game. For now the stats indicate that he is responsible for 2 out of 3 goals Liverpool have conceded in the league. First against Bolton where under no pressure and out of nothing his bizarre mistake cost Liverpool a clean sheet. With all the experience, he could and should have easily cleared the ball but instead made a complete mess of it and gifted the goal. Now against Stoke City, Carra was caught out via a looped ball provided by Pennant, Walters easily skipped away from the Liverpool skipper who not so wisely draped an arm around the striker and dragged him down. Jamie has his thoughts: “At the time I thought their penalty was harsh. I haven’t seen it again and will need to have a look before I make a judgement. It might have been or it might not have been.” Well, both the players were pushing and shoving but Carragher made the most of it to pull Walters down being behind him and not near the ball. So whatever judgment he comes up with, the penalty decision was quite fair. The above given information is reality and nothing personal about it. It will be a crime to say that Skrtel, Agger or Coates are better than him but soon they might just be the better option. Carragher’s positioning, tackling and leadership are effective as ever but the diminishing pace and reflexes are the negatives that will outweigh the positives soon and hinder Liverpool’s performance. Carra’s desire is to play for as long as he can and none can blame him. He is a legendary figure and fans love to see him play but again he must start less and less as the time goes by. On the other hand they have quality young talent raring to go, who can learn a lot from him to lead the defensive lineup for Liverpool. Jamies Carragher Stats: The defense woes over the past few seasons halted the rise of Liverpool Football Club. The future seems bright having signed Enrique and Coates but the question for now is about this season. The competition for starting positions is high and having quality depth means under-performing leads to bench. Next up is the fixture against Tottenham. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Liverbird Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 Само да не стане докато влезе във форма Карагър да се сбогуваме с топ 4....Но това си е отговорност на Далглиш.Иначе и аз искам Джейми да играе вечно,ама......Как беше - никой не е по-голям от Ливърпул. Определено си е отговорност на Кени. Пък и да беше само Кара този, който трябва да влиза във форма..... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest oZZy Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 Не му е първия сезон на Кара, който започва колебливо. В последните 2-3 все е така. И винаги по това време започват безмислените дискусии и вопли за поставянето му на пейката и до тъч линията, и винаги Джейми влиза в ритъм и завършва сезона стабилно. И тази година не вярвам да бъде по-различно. Откак навърши 30-31 някои хора започнаха да го пенсионират и така всяка година. Пък той все си е първия избор в стартовия състав. И тази година не вярвам да бъде по-различно. Вярно е, че идва времето да окачи бутоните на пирона, но този процес според мен ще започне от следващия сезон. Не е първият сезон на Ливърпул, който започва колебливо. В последните 15-20 почти винаги е така. И винаги по-това време започват безсмислените дискусии и вопли дали ще станем шампиони или не, и винаги Ливърпул влиза в ритъм и завършва сезона стабилно и създава надежди за следващия сезон. И тази година не вярвам да бъде по-различно. Откак навърши 110-115 някои хора започнаха да го пенсионират и така всяка година. Пък той често си е в четворката. И тази година не вярвам да бъде по-различно. Вярно е, че идва времето да стане шампион , но този процес според мен ще започне от следващия сезон, или по-следващия или този след него, или все някога.... :suicide2: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Red One Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 Не е първият сезон на Ливърпул, който започва колебливо. В последните 15-20 почти винаги е така. И винаги по-това време започват безсмислените дискусии и вопли дали ще станем шампиони или не, и винаги Ливърпул влиза в ритъм и завършва сезона стабилно и създава надежди за следващия сезон. И тази година не вярвам да бъде по-различно. Откак навърши 110-115 някои хора започнаха да го пенсионират и така всяка година. Пък той често си е в четворката. И тази година не вярвам да бъде по-различно. Вярно е, че идва времето да стане шампион , но този процес според мен ще започне от следващия сезон, или по-следващия или този след него, или все някога.... :suicide2: Напълно съм съгласен за колебливото начало и за отписването. Лошото е, че отписването и уволненията започват от нашите фенове. Пък уж вярата... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest SuperSizee Posted September 14, 2011 Report Share Posted September 14, 2011 Why it is time for Carragher to step down It’s been an incredibly frustrating weekend for Liverpool fans. Firstly, we lose an incredibly controversial game against Stoke and then both City and United go on to grab another handful of goals to strengthen their respective positions as joint leaders. United now have 18 goals, whilst City have scored 15. Meanwhile, the Reds have managed just 6. With the chances we had against both Bolton and Stoke on Saturday though, we could’ve been up there near the top and with a much more impressive goal difference having had around 35 shots at goal over the course of both games combined. But that’s all about ifs and buts and working out how best to get the ball in the net is something of a work in progress for what is essentially a new team. What we have seen in every game from them so far is improvements, particularly going forward; it will come. However, we can begin to make changes at the opposite end of the pitch that will bring immediate benefits and that means the phasing out of Jamie Carragher. There will be those amongst you reading this that will assume – as people like to do – that this is a knee-jerk reaction to Carragher’s poor decision making for the penalty Stoke won on Saturday. This is an opinion I’ve held for at least 18 months though and I’ve already written on the subject several times in the past couple of years but, for me, Saturday was the final straw: a good performance made meaningless by an all too expected mistake from Jamie. That’s not to say we would’ve won (or, even drawn) the game if not for his error but we would’ve had a far greater chance of continuing with our game-plan which, at that point, was clearly working. Against Bolton a few weeks ago Carragher’s poor judgement again tarnished what should’ve been a superb 3-nil win. Instead, the end of the match left a particularly sour taste after Carragher allowed Bolton to snatch a totally undeserved late goal. That means that 2 of the 3 league goals we’ve conceded so far this season are down to Carragher. The overriding theme of both is that he can be turned far too easily; he has always been slow and slightly cumbersome but with age, he has slowed even more and it is now starting to negatively affect our performances. While I admire his tenacity and his ability to put in an extra 15% when other players have already switched off (CL Final 2005 a prime example), this is no longer enough to warrant him a place in the team. When Sami Hyypia was starting to show signs of winding down and his body was no longer able to keep up with his brain, he was unceremoniously stuck on the bench and Agger stepped up. Now, I think it’s time for Carragher to take his place on the bench and allow Skrtel and Agger an opportunity to form a partnership, with Coates also given a chance to stake his claim because if you build something on crumbling foundations it’s always going to fall down, as we found against Stoke on Saturday when, after a strong start all of our hard work and preparation was undone by a characteristic mistake from the stand-in captain. From there on in, we were always up against it; the game-plan was to have Stoke always on the back foot, never giving them the chance to work their set pieces in from deep in our half. What resulted from the penalty was that Stoke no longer needed to push us too much, so the ‘front 3? of Suarez, Downing and Kuyt were no longer able to stretch them like they had in the first 20 minutes and Stoke were able to stay deep and tight and not even Suarez was able to squeeze through on many opportunities. I was left feeling particularly angry after the weekends game though because it was easily a game we could’ve won. When you lose a match from a poor performance you can console yourself and put it behind you but when the reason you lost is a recurring issue that has been cropping up again and again and everybody seems intent on overlooking it, it is incredibly frustrating. Sure, we had a number of poor decisions go against us against Stoke (and we have had several other poor refereeing decisions go the opposition way in previous games this season) and I think that many of the match reports missed two handballs in the box by Shawcross that could’ve easily levelled the playing field. Kenny even went as far as to claim that the foul by Jamie wasn’t a penalty but I have to disagree with him on this because as soon as you wrap your arms around a player’s waist in your own area you’ve as good as given away a penalty, and that’s exactly what Carragher did. But by concentrating on the poor refereeing in the aftermath of the game, Kenny is missing the real issue that once again reared it’s head on Saturday: Carragher’s time has come to an end and it is time he stepped down with dignity for the better of the team, because I’d hate to see a Liverpool legend try to prolong his career to the detriment of other players and the club. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Simply Red Posted September 18, 2011 Report Share Posted September 18, 2011 Архивна снимка на Кара Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Liverbird Posted October 6, 2011 Report Share Posted October 6, 2011 Jamie Carragher Could End His Career As Soon As 2012 The end of Jamie Carragher's professional soccer career is within sight. The veteran Liverpool defender spoke at the Leaders in Football conference in London and said his playing days would be over in the next year or two. The Evening Echo of Ireland reports that Carragher was asked how much time he had left and reponded, "Ask (Liverpool manager) Kenny (Dalglish). He picks the team. It will be up to the coaching staff I suppose. You want to try to get as much out of your career and play as long as possible. The time will come in the next 12, 18 months, maybe two years. "That won't be down to myself. It will be down to the people around me, the staff, the manager. They will decide." Carragher is a product of the Liverpool academy and has made an astonishing 676 appearances for the club since his 1997 debut. He is now 33 years young and has begun to consider his future. He says he would like to move into coaching or management when his playing days are done. "Do I want to go in to coaching or management? Yes, I think so," he said. "I've taken my first steps to coaching and the B licence. We all love the game, you want to stay involved in the game." Carragher is still the first-choice center back in the Liverpool team. As his physical skills have begun to decline, he has increasingly relied on his savvy and determination to stifle opposing attackers. If he decides to retire at the end of the season, it will leave a gaping hole in the Liverpool rearguard which will need to be addressed. Daniel Agger and Martin Skrtel are the next two center defenders in Dalglish's pecking order. Youngsters Martin Kelly, Danny Wilson and Sebastian Coates are future long-term options at the position, but are unproven at this level. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest lpoolfc Posted October 7, 2011 Report Share Posted October 7, 2011 Carragher admits end could be close Liverpool's vice-captain Jamie Carragher has admitted his career could be over in a year's time. Carragher has made 676 appearances for Liverpool since coming through the youth ranks and making his debut 14 years ago. He has been a regular in the Reds defence since coming on as a substitute in Liverpool's League Cup game against Middlesbrough in 1997, but the 33-year-old concedes his long and glittering career may be nearing its end. When asked how long he had left in the game, Carragher told the Leaders in Football conference in London: "Ask (Liverpool boss) Kenny (Dalglish). He picks the team. It will be up to the coaching staff I suppose. You want to try to get as much out of your career and play as long as possible. The time will come in the next 12, 18 months, maybe two years." He added: "That won't be down to myself. It will be down to the people around me, the staff, the manager. They will decide." Carragher's full-blooded displays at the heart of the Liverpool defence have earned him many plaudits during his career and his leadership skills have seen him touted as a future Reds boss. The defender admits he would love to go in to coaching after hanging up his boots. "Do I want to go in to coaching or management? Yes, I think so," Carragher said. "I've taken my first steps to coaching and the B licence. "We all love the game, you want to stay involved in the game." Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest RedMonko Posted October 11, 2011 Report Share Posted October 11, 2011 Едно време, когато нямаше интернет и кабелна телевизия и събирах вестници и списания, а също и гледах спортните новини и мачовете по руската телевизия, за да следя футбола, имах тетрадки, в които събирах интересни материали подредени по тематика или пък отбори от "Старт" в рубриката "За Вашия албум". Та сред тези материали винаги ще си спомням едно интервю на Боб Пейзли за български автор (той беше събрал цял сборник от интересни събеседници, гостували в България), в което великият мениджър беше казал куп истини, а едната от тях, правилно, бе изведена и за заглавие: "В големия футбол място за сантименти НЯМА" В интервюто ставаше въпрос за това как Ливъпуул успява толкова време да се задържи на трона не само в Англия, а и в Европа. Пейзли разказваше отделни случаи за това как когато определен футболист е минал пика си на върховото ниво на футбола (на което Ливъпуул е бил и трябва да бъде), е бивал отместван без излишни чувства на заден план в името на освежаването и съответно засилването на кръвта на отбора. Даде доста примери за различни топиграчи. Пейзли е един от менторите на Крал Кени, така че нямам и капка съмнение, че усети ли залеза на Карагър, 23-ойката моментално ще изгуби моментния си статут в състава - на един от първите титуляри и подреждач на цялата игра в защита. А дали залезът е дошъл?... Личното ми мнение е, че това е факт. Не се учудих, когато наскоро излезе информация за това как Рейна е викал на Кара да не дърпа крайната линия назад, а да я доближава до средната, за да не оставя място между двете за изграждане на скоростни атаки в последната третина на терена, а и съответно да помага за по-ефикасния пресинг като колектив. Кара никога не е бил най-бързият, но беше достатъчно бърз при изпускане на обръщащ се нападател да го доближи в рамките на първите секунди след това и да го разколебае с шпагат или фаул, колкото да притъпи атаката и даде възможност на целия отбор да се върне. Сега това не е така и имаме куп доказателства от началото на сезона, когато Кара от страх да не изпусне нападател и впоследствие да не може да се обърне достатъчно бързо прави крачка-две-три назад и така при по-хитър подавач сред играчите от типа играещи между линиите се получават огромни коридори за пасове към откъсващи се нападатели. (Така беше и при Ходжсън.) Отделно и краката вече не го държат както преди години. Случката в Стоук при дузпата е крайно показателна, защото в пиковите си години при Рафа такава паника, последвала от първоначално неправилно заставане, никога нямаше да се случи. Ако случайно се беше дръпнал сам назад от всички защитници, щеше да заеме подходящата позиция поне да не остави нападател от класата на Уолтърс да го преодолее от вътрешната страна така елементарно. На повторенията се забелязваше как краката му се тресат. Смятам, че Кара има още какво да даде на състава с безценния си опит и лидерски качества, особено в мачове, в които се очаква да бъдем притиснати или в които играем 5-3-2 с трима централни бранители. Но ако не смята да ги използва за това да научи по-младите си колеги, а егоистично за задържане на титулярното си място, за мен е време за раздяла. Казал го е навремето самият Боб Пейзли - менторът на Кени. Остава да видим развитието на този крайно любопитен детайл от ситуацията в отбора и клуба като цяло. Хепи дейс! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest The Anfield 1892 Posted October 11, 2011 Report Share Posted October 11, 2011 Незнам дали менторът на Кинг Кени е Пеисли ,но знам ,че Кара не може да играе по 50-60 мача на сезон както преди трябва му двойна почивка за да се възтанови и си мисля ,че 25-30 мача ще са му ок за да подържа прилично ниво да не кажа ,че той вече е под нивото си от преди от 1-2 до 10-12 г. назад във времето ! Така ,че мисля г-н Монко е прав и Кара лека полека трябва да отива на заден план и да се ориентира към мениджърската професия където смятам ,че ще е поне толкова добър колкото в защита ,а там бе БРИЛЯНТЕН във времето прекарано в родният му клуб ЛИВЪРПУЛ ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Red knight Posted October 17, 2011 Report Share Posted October 17, 2011 Аз вече си казах мнението за Кара този сезон.Наистина му е време,но това е отговорност на Далглиш. Иначе Мони ме подсети,че наистина Пейсли 80те години без сантименти сложи на резервната скамейка легенди на клуба каквито бяха Феърклъф и Хейуей. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest deadpoll Posted October 30, 2011 Report Share Posted October 30, 2011 от думите на Кени след мача,оставам с впечатлението,че Кара не си е загубил титулярното място, и щом се оправи ще си го вземе.дано да греша. все повече се убеждавам,че кара трябва да седне на скамейката. миналата година направи половин силен сезон.ясно е,че вече цял сезон на високи обороти не може да изкара. постепенно трябва да бъде заместван от стартовата единайсетица.време е. ако Кд не може да го направи, тогава нз кой може. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest kikedelrio Posted October 30, 2011 Report Share Posted October 30, 2011 от думите на Кени след мача,оставам с впечатлението,че Кара не си е загубил титулярното място, и щом се оправи ще си го вземе.дано да греша. все повече се убеждавам,че кара трябва да седне на скамейката. миналата година направи половин силен сезон.ясно е,че вече цял сезон на високи обороти не може да изкара. постепенно трябва да бъде заместван от стартовата единайсетица.време е. ако Кд не може да го направи, тогава нз кой може. В случая са важни действията на Кени, а не думите му. Няма нужда да пусне "гилотината" върху главата на играча публично. Нещата могат да се направят и по- дипломатично. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Kimi Posted October 30, 2011 Report Share Posted October 30, 2011 от думите на Кени след мача,оставам с впечатлението,че Кара не си е загубил титулярното място, и щом се оправи ще си го вземе.дано да греша. :morning1: Нека поседи на пейката,да се учи от Кени на треньорския занаят,викам аз :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest deadpoll Posted November 2, 2011 Report Share Posted November 2, 2011 Liverpool’s Deep Defensive Line West Bromwich Albion marked the first time that Jamie Carragher hasn’t started at centre half this season, and with it came the first chance in ages to see Martin Skrtel and Daniel Agger paired at the back. The long-delayed partnership, one many assumed Rafa Benitez intended to use as the replacement for Hyypia and Carragher before a series of injuries made it nearly impossible to imagine, put in an almost flawless performance. Yet with constant talk throughout the first quarter of the season about an aging Carragher dragging the squad’s defensive line dangerously deep, one has to ask if this change in personnel in fact led to the team playing with a higher line. Many will recall Agger in particular bombing forward, and combined with 58% possession one would likely assume the defenders would be positioned fairly high up the pitch. If only because Liverpool had the ball well over half the time and Agger in particular seemed to spend more than half of that time closer to the Baggies’ box than his own, one would expect one or both of the players to finish the match with a high average position. However, the average position map for the game (above) instead shows a fairly deep line. Agger’s driving runs might well have been memorable, and the pair’s mobility may have helped in ways that simply looking at average positions wouldn’t illustrate, but when comparing the average depth of the centre back pair on Saturday against West Brom to earlier games where one of Agger or Skrtel was matched with Carragher shows that at the very least having Carragher out of the lineup didn’t result in the defence holding a noticeably higher line. The week before against Norwich, in fact (left), when Liverpool held 55% of the possession, Carragher paired with Skrtel—and in the closing minutes with Agger as part of a three man defensive line—in nearly identical positions as the Skrtel and Agger duo a week later. Instead, a far more glaring difference is found by looking just ahead of the centre back duo, where against West Brom Lucas’ average position reflects his contribution: screening the defence and linking play with the more attack minded midfielders and strikers. In the match against Norwich, however, there’s no bigger gap between Liverpool players anywhere on the pitch than between Skrtel and Carragher at the back and Gerrard and Adam in midfield, with the latter duo doubled up in the centre circle. The result of that yawning chasm—namely Grant Holt’s equaliser on the counter when Adam was caught in possession and Norwich saw thirty yards of open space to run into—seems even more inevitable when faced with visual evidence of the team’s set up. And given the similarly deep defensive line held without Carragher a week later, it’s probably less fair to blame that chasm on him dragging the line back than it is to blame it on the midfield becoming entirely unstuck and abandoning their defensive duties. By comparison, against Manchester United (above left) Liverpool did hold a fairly high line, all while having 56% of the possession and starting Skrtel alongside Carragher at the back. Likely a conscious tactical choice by Kenny Dalglish and Steve Clarke, it still would result in a defensively foolish gap between midfield and defence were one to remove Lucas from the equation in favour of the midfield seen a week later. But regardless of that, it suggests that Carragher is in fact capable of playing a higher line than he often does, and that with the club playing a deeper line in every other match this season—including the one where Carragher didn’t start—the depth of that line may in fact have very little to do with the players and everything to do with the coaches. Still, while there appears to be evidence that Liverpool’s deep defensive line is largely a tactic favoured regardless of the players involved, that doesn’t mean there haven’t been obvious changes to how the team sets up in recent weeks. Heading back to the first two months of the season in fact finds average position maps that are consistently and radically different at the back then those from the past month, with Wolves (top right) and Bolton (bottom right) representative examples. Wolves were one of the few times this season Liverpool has lost the possession battle, as they managed to hold the ball only 48% of the time. Bolton, on the other hand, saw 59% possession, a number much closer to those of the more recent games looked at previously. Yet on both occasions early in the season, the average position taken up by the defensive pair—Carragher and Skrtel in one and Carragher with Agger in the other—is nearly identical. And in both cases those positions are very different from what has been seen in recent weeks. The presence of Lucas linking attack with defence and shielding against the break remains constant, but in both cases Carragher finds himself significantly deeper than his partner. At the time it might have been easy to write off as being down to his less adventurous nature, yet the shape taken by the backline in recent weeks gives lie to this—as does the fact that against Wolves and Bolton, both the conservative Skrtel and the attacking Agger take up similar average positions relative to Carragher. As a result, it does very much look as though in the early going Jamie Carragher was indeed dragging the defensive line deeper—or sloppily allowing a gap to regularly open between him and his defensive partner. However, based on recent evidence there’s reason to hope that even when he’s in the lineup, this doesn’t have to be the case—and also that whatever Dalglish and Clarke have said to him about pushing up to match his partner seems to have worked. On the other hand, there also seems to be evidence that regardless of whether Carragher starts or not, a fairly deep line is the preference with this squad. Whether it’s the correct approach, and whether Jamie Carragher is still mobile enough to perform as a top centre half week in and week out regardless of how high the line is, is, of course, an entirely different question. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest drenski Posted November 26, 2011 Report Share Posted November 26, 2011 Liverpool’s Jamie Carragher is aware of just how ruthless it can be. He is far from finished at Anfield, but last week at Stamford Bridge he experienced a sobering reminder of his footballing mortality. He was available for an important Liverpool game and was not picked. That had not happened for 11 seasons and could be repeated against Manchester City at Anfield on Sunday. Several years ago, such decisions might have brought consternation. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Fowler23 Posted November 29, 2011 Report Share Posted November 29, 2011 CARRAGHER: I WON’T GO QUIETLY Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Fowler23 Posted November 30, 2011 Report Share Posted November 30, 2011 Carra: I'd love to get there Jamie Carragher has set his sights on a first appearance at new Wembley after helping Liverpool secure a 2-0 triumph at Chelsea in the Carling Cup. The defender produced a fine showing on his return to the side at Stamford Bridge as goals from Maxi Rodriguez and Martin Kelly booked a place in the last four. Carra concedes it would be special to play in a showpiece occasion at the so-called home of English football but warned that the Reds must remain focused on taking it one step at a time. Carragher said: "I've played at Wembley once or twice for England but I've never done it for Liverpool. I'd love to do that but when we have got to cup finals they have been in Cardiff so I've never been there with Liverpool. "There is a still a semi-final to play over two legs and there are some massive sides in there so it is going to be very tough. We'll take the semi-final very seriously." Kelly's superb header for Liverpool's second goal capped a fine individual performance from the England U21 right-back. Carragher admits the Reds are spoilt for choice in that position and feels Kelly will continue to develop under the wing of Glen Johnson. "Kelly is a young lad coming through, he's still learning the game. He can learn off Glen Johnson, England's right-back," he said. "But hopefully in the future Martin Kelly will be in that position himself and he showed that tonight." Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Simply Red Posted November 30, 2011 Report Share Posted November 30, 2011 Карагър мечтае за първи финал с Ливърпул на "Уембли" Вицекапинът на Ливърпул Джейми Карагър се надява неговият отбор, който вчера отстрани Челси на 1/4-финалите на надпреварата за Карлинг Къп, да се класира на финал. За 33-годишният защитник това би бил първи мач на "Уембли" с екипа на мърсисайдци, тъй като предишните финали, до които Ливърпул достигаше, бяха по времето, когато националният стадион на Англия бе в ремонт, и се провеждаха на "Милениъм Стейдиъм" в Кардиф. "С националния отбор съм играл един-два пъти на "Уембли", но с Ливърпул - никога. Много бих искал това да стане, но досега винаги, когато сме стигали до финал за някоя от купите, играехме в Кардиф. Полуфиналът е в два мача, а и има много силни отбори, така че ще е трудно. Но ние ще походим много сериозно", каза Карагър. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Fowler23 Posted December 6, 2011 Report Share Posted December 6, 2011 To Me, To You | A look at Liverpool centre-back pairings Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest maik05 Posted December 19, 2011 Report Share Posted December 19, 2011 Като гледах изявите на Джейми срещу Вила само за 5 минути,направо щях да получа удар.По-добре човека да си стои на скамейката,че иначе като е на терена-лошо,много лошо.Знам,че е дал много на отбора,но на всяко нещо му идва края в определен момент.Може само за статистиката да го пускат по 3-4 минути и то ако водим поне с 2 гола. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest bgscouser Posted December 19, 2011 Report Share Posted December 19, 2011 Наистина Джейми вече остаря и трябва да се оттегли.Имаше едно положение в което забави прекалено много топката и почти му я отнеха ,но донякъде опита му взе превес.Поне имаме опитна резерва за мачове срещу отбори от долните дивизии в мачове за Карлинг къп и ФА. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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