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Роби Фаулър

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Гост Simply Red

Роби Фаулър заведе дело срещу австралийски клуб




Бившият английски национал Роби Фаулър заведе дело за пропуснати ползи срещу отбора от австралийската първа лига Норт Куинсланд Фюри, съобщиха от Съюза на професионалните футболисти в Австралия. Фаулър е един от седемте футболиста на клуба, чиито договори бяха прекратени през март заради финансови трудности. След това бившият нападател на Ливърпул премина в друг австралийски клуб - Пърт Глори.


"Тук не става дума само за компенсация, но по-скоро трябва да се гарантира сигурността и изпълнението на договорите за всички играчи в австралийската лига", коментира Роби Фаулър.

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  • 4 months later...
Гост Simply Red

Роби Фаулър: Рууни идва при мен в Австралия




Следващият отбор на английския национал Уейн Рууни може да се казва Пърт Глори, съобщи бившият нападател на Ливърпул - Роби Фаулър, който играе в австралийския футболен клуб. Той съобщи изненадващата новина, че е разговарял лично с нападателя на Манчестър Юнайтед, който дал позитивен отговор.


"Новината за намеренията на Уейн Рууни да напусне Манчестър Юнайтед се появи скоро, но аз разбрах за това преди две седмици, защото все пак съм футболист. Наложи ми се да пътувам до Англия, за да разбера дали той иска да дойде в Пърт, а знаците са добри. Останах доволен от разговора ни. Казах му колко чудесно е това място и той е много, много заинтересован от предложението", заяви Фаулър.


Помощта на Рууни е наистина нужна за Глори, защото отборът е в лоша серия без победа и беше напуснат от старши треньора Дейв Мичъл. От клуба съобщиха, че не са отправяли оферта за нападателя, но се интересуват от услугите му.


"Ако договорът на Уейн Рууни изтече и Роби Фаулър използва връзките си, ние ще се радваме той да дойде в Пърт. Ако бях казал преди четири години, че Роби Фаулър ще играе в нашия отбор, със сигурност много хора щяха да се смеят", заяви президентът на Пърт Глори - Луи Джулиани.



Егати бъзика :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Гост kostanada

Роби не прощава !!!! Как ми се иска да го видя за миг на Анфилд... Дори само по последните 10 мин за купите.... Та той не спира да вкарва ОТВСЯКЪДЕ. Втория гол беше истински гол на нападател...



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Гост deadpoll

Exclusive Robbie Fowler interview - I'd play in League Two if they want me


Robbie Fowler sat in a stand at the deserted Suncorp Stadium, still wearing his Perth Glory kit and his boots.


He had scored 60 seconds after coming on in the Glory's 3-2 defeat to the Brisbane Roar on Wednesday night.


But now, half an hour after the final whistle, his mind was far, far away, back in Liverpool when he was starting out in the game and everything lay ahead of him.


He talked about his old car, the style disaster he drove into training when he first broke into the Liverpool first team in 1993.



Beige on the outside, brown on the inside, that A-reg escort seemed like a Bentley then to the kid from Toxteth.


"It probably looked terrible," Fowler said, "but I loved it because it was my first car. I could still tell you the number plate."


He talked about his debut in a League Cup tie at Fulham when he scored one and made two. A couple of weeks later, he got five in the return leg at Anfield.


He and the other apprentices used to clean the toilets, scour the sinks, scrub the baths and mop the floors in those days. Even those chores seem to him like a privilege now.


Fowler, one of the greatest goal scorers in the history of English football and still referred to simply as 'God' on the red half of ­Merseyside, is 35 and he knows that the end of his playing career is drawing near.


This is an unfamiliar Fowler to those who still think of him as one of the Spice Boys and who dismissed him long ago as someone who frittered away a sublime talent.


This is a man who is cherishing every minute of playing for a side third from bottom of the A-League. This is a man who had just played in front of 7,000 fans in a 52,000 seat stadium in a low-level league 10,000 miles from home and revelled in every second.


This is a man who is suddenly finding the idea of letting go of the only life he has ever known a desperately daunting prospect, a man who loves football now even more than he ever loved it before.


"I wish I was Peter Pan and I could play for ever," Fowler said. "I wish I was starting my career all over again because it's a great life.


"It's the only thing I have ever done. It's the only thing I ever want to do.


It's the only thing I ever want to be part of. The day that I do retire will be a very sad day for me.


"I still love playing. I loved playing tonight. I just love football. I am getting paid for a job I love doing and there is no better thing in the world.


"It seems more precious now. I wish I had appreciated it more when I was younger. If I could give a kid starting out any advice it would be 'enjoy it while you can because it doesn't last forever'.


"I think if you sat down and spoke to most people and asked them if they would do anything differently, if they were truthful, they would answer 'yes'.


"You do silly things when you are young and you have to learn from them. You start off and ­everything's easy. You turn up at training and everything is done for you. Everything is laid on a plate. So you probably don't ­appreciate it.


"It seems like yesterday when I was starting off and the years have just flown by. It won't be long now and there is going to be a time when I have to retire and I am not looking forward to it.


"Would I play in League One or League Two? Of course I would. Without a shadow of a doubt. The money in the game now, people think they don't have to play in the lower divisions but that's not the point for me.


"I don't need the money but I love the game. I love being around people who are involved in the game, I love the day to day things and I love the match day.


"People don't want to drop down the divisions because they lose interest but I want to play for as long as I can. You are a long time retired. What are you going to do? There are only so many games of golf you can play."


Fowler's contract with the Glory ends in March and he is not yet sure whether he will remain in Australia or return to continue his career in England where his wife and children are living.


He has been linked with a move to MK Dons as a player-coach and although Fowler admires the club's manager, Karl Robinson, a friend and former academy coach at Liverpool, he says nothing has been decided.


"Things change," Fowler said. "As much as we like to think we wear the trousers, deep down we know it's our wives. My wife is back home with the kids and if she says 'come home', I am going to go home.


"I would like to get into coaching. When I was younger, I said I would probably pack in when I got to this age. I don't want to stop playing football but I know there will be a day when I have to.


"The next best thing other than playing is being in and around the club, coaching and managing. I have done this ever since I left school when I was 15 or 16 so just to stop suddenly and cut all ties with football and walk away would be an absolute nightmare.


"I see someone like Gazza struggling without the game but then Gazza had friends around him who basically weren't his friends. They were just people who wanted to benefit their own careers by being seen with him."


Once, when Fowler was in his prime, he broke Ian Rush's record for the Liverpool player who had reached 100 goals in the least number of games.


He lifted up his shirt to reveal a tee-shirt bearing the slogan "God's job's a good'un."


He knew it then and he certainly knows it now

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  • 3 weeks later...
Гост Simply Red

Роби Фаулър се надява,че собствениците ще подкрепят Рой Ходжсън


Роби Фаулър заяви, че очаква новите собственици на Ливърпул да дадат на Рой Ходжсън повече време. Той вярва, че с три-четири нови попълнения през януарския трансферен прозорец, клубът ще се върне в топ четери на Висшата лига.


Джон Хенри снощи призова за търпение феновете на Ливърпул,като посочи,че няма да има прибързани решения,въпреки лошия сезон досега ,и Фаулър се надява да спазят думата си,както и традициите на клуба да подкрепят мениджъра си.


За интервюя в пресата,идолът на "червените" заяви: "Ливърпул са много по-добри,отколкото бяха в началото на сезона,което ни дава малка надежда за по-добри дни. Мисля,че през януари,ако се вземта три или четири добри играчи ще могат да се правят по-сериозни изводи.


"Надявам се собствениците да оставят Рой да работи. Той пое клуба в преходен период и в момента мога да ви уверя,че никак не му е лесно. Ходжсън е нов в Ливърпул,който е известен,че през цялата си история е подкрепял мениджърите си,и аз мисля,че и сега товва нещо ще продължи.


В началото на сезона нещата не вървяха. Стандарта на Ливърпул е такъв,че те ще се стремят да се класират в топ четири,така че да могат да привлекат по-добри играчи на Анфийлд.


И нещата наистина се обърщат донякъде след лошия старт,въпреки няколкото слаби резултати напоследък.Аз мисля,че класирането не е толкова лошо,колкото се опитват да го изкарат някои хора",завърши Роби.

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Гост Milanow`25

Ако на някой м се гледа Преди кръга в Неделя от 11:00 ще има интервю с Роби и там ще разказва за кариерата си при нас и в сегашния си отбор. Аз лично ще ми е много любопитно да видя какво точно ще каже.

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Гост ReD_Gerrard

днес по Ринга даваха дербито на Манчестър от 2006 година, ако не се лъжа, когато Фаулър вкара в действие магическата левачка за 3:1 за Сити :)

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Гост Stojkica

Вчера пак заби две парчета, едното от дузпа. Последните два гола в мача, в който Пътр биха с 4:2. Така че може да се каже, че е донесъл победата на отбора си.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Гост Simply Red

Fowler's Ashes joy



As an Englishman living in Australia, Robbie Fowler has had extra reason to savour the Three Lions' Ashes recent success Down Under.


http://assets2.liverpoolfc.tv/images/spacer.gif With England closing in on a series victory, the Kop icon paraded a replica Ashes urn on the pitch prior to Perth Glory's goalless draw with Gold Coast on Monday evening.


Fowler, who attended the Tests in Brisbane and Perth, said: "It's not every day we get the chance to retain the Ashes in Australia so it was just a little reminder to show everyone where they are going to remain for the next two years at least.


"I've really enjoyed being in Australia for the series and I have to confess my Australian teammates are really quiet again.


"To be honest, you wouldn't know the final test is on in Sydney because my teammates have not said a word about the cricket since Boxing Day."


Check out our photos of Robbie enjoying England's Ashes triumph.







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  • 5 weeks later...
Гост Stojkica





Живата легенда на Ливърпул Роби Фаулър, който в момента защитава цветовете на австралийския Пърт Глори, не пропусна поредната удобна възможност да критикува вече бившия футболист на „червените” Фернандо Т.


Фаулър участва в благотворително мероприятие за набиране на средства за жертвите от наводнението в Куинсланд, където всички футболисти на Пърт, които участваха в кампанията, трябваше да облекат фланелка, която „ги кара да страдат” (the shirt that hurts).

Вместо предложените му фланелки на Евертън и Манчестър Юнайтед обаче, Роби изненада всички, като пожела да сложи екип на любимия му Ливърпул, но с името и номера на Фернандо Т.


„Няма никакъв проблем с предната част на фланелката. Проблемът е името на гърба. След това, което се случи тази седмица, не само аз, но и много фенове на Ливърпул вече не биха искали да я облекат”, коментира Роби.


„Той (Фернандо Т.) не остави клуба в добри ръце или в прекрасна форма, но за щастие Ливърпул съумя да вземе двама прилични играчи”, каза още Фаулър.

По-рано през седмицата Фаулър, който има 128 гола с екипа на Ливърпул, критикува испанеца в колонката си в местен всекидневник:

„Като фен на Ливърпул бе много разочароващо да видя Фернандо Т. Да напуска, защото в момента той е футболист от световна класа, а аз искам най-добрите футболисти да бъдат в Ливърпул. Все пак, ако бях мениджър и някой футболист ми каже, че не иска да остане в отбора, то разбира се, бих направил всичко възможно да сключа най-добрата сделка.”


„Само преди няколко седмици той говореше колко много обича феновете и клуба. Със сигурност няма да бъде посрещнат топло следващия път на „Анфийлд…”

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Гост Fowler23

'Why Fowler is training with us'


Pep Segura has spoken of his admiration for Robbie Fowler after the Liverpool legend showed a 'great attitude' as he trained with the reserve team squad on Thursday morning.

The striker is looking to maintain his fitness levels after returning from his recent stint in Australia and the Spanish coach believes his presence can have a significant impact upon his young side.


"Kenny Dalglish spoke to Frank McParland and told him that Robbie was looking to keep up his fitness after returning from Australia," Segura told Liverpoolfc.tv.


"Frank was happy for him to come here and train with our reserve team and he has done very well.


"It is beneficial to Robbie because we can help him stay sharp. He is a professional and his behaviour on the pitch was fantastic.


"I think he has set a very good example to the younger players.


"Everybody responded well and it was a great moment for them to have the chance to train with a Liverpool legend.


"I tried to explain to the youngsters that they must watch how Robbie conducts himself throughout training. He was very focused and eager to do well.


"His attitude was great and he was the perfect example for our lads. He will train with us again and could be with us for the week that follows."



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Гост Liverbird

Robbie Fowler targets management after playing

Ex-Liverpool and England striker Robbie Fowler has told BBC Radio Manchester he wants to end up in management.


The 35-year-old has spent the past week as part of the backroom staff at Bury and had a similar stint at MK Dons working with their forwards.


The Perth Glory frontman said: "I know you can't play forever and being a coach or manager is obviously the next step you take after playing.


"I want to stay involved in football so this is the next route."


Fowler has spent the past two seasons playing in Australia's A-League and has verbally committed to Perth for next season, but says when he does go into management he is willing to begin in the lower leagues.


"I think you're a very, very lucky man if you start right at the top," Fowler said.


"Like football starting out, you never go straight into the first team. You've got build up through the youth team, reserves and first team so I know it's going to be difficult but it's a challenge I want to take.


"I know this is what I want to do and if you want to do it, you've got to be prepared to work for it."


The striker was in the dug-out at Gigg Lane assisting Bury's caretaker manager Richie Barker in the 1-0 win over Burton Albion and was happy to help the managerless League Two side.


"I spoke to Ryan [Lowe, Shakers striker] and obviously we know each other anyway," he said.


"It was just a case of coming down here and training and having that little bit of work experience.


"The fact me being here maybe would benefit the players or help them in anyway, so I was all for that."

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